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October 2023 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Admin Assistant Treetops DentalAdmin Assistant Treetops Dental

As a Team in this month's newsletter we wanted to showcase our wonderful practice owner Polly Bhambra, who found herself recently published in the Practice Life section of the Dentistry Magazine after attending a Women in Dentistry seminar. Polly has been leading the way and has been an inspirational role model to women in dentistry in the UK for the last 20 years and we thought this was a worthy mention in our newsletter!

Here are a few words from the lady herself...

It was a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to be invited to attend the Women In Dentistry seminar and have the honour of speaking in front of some incredibly inspiring and empowering women. I came away with an overriding sense of pride and sentiment of how far women in dentistry have come over the years. You may not believe this yet it was only a little over a hundred years ago that the first woman qualified as a Dentist, her name was Lillian Lindsay. Yet now, female dentists account for over 50% of the dental care professionals we see today! At Treetops we currently have 2 female dentists; Dr Sindy Castro and Dr Vicki Barchha who recently joined the Treetops family. I do hope Lilian would be proud if she could see the profession today!

In the weeks following the seminar I wondered what more we can do to champion women in dentistry and gender equality in its entirety not just in the practice but in our wider community, where we can embrace the strengths of women and girls on a wider scale. Luckily with a pinch of luck an opportunity presented itself, in the form of an all girls football team The Wolverhampton Olympic girls U13 Panthers!

After sponsoring the girls last year the leadership team at Treetops collectively decided that the girls have displayed such grit and determination on and off the field, they navigated some very emotional and challenging moments yet not only overcame them but at times embraced them with their humour and ‘can do’ attitude. We all feel that the girls embody the Treetops spirit and therefore we very proudly have been invited to sponsor them again this season and of course we have gladly accepted. What a wonderful opportunity this is for us!

We are looking forward to following them over the coming months and will be proudly displaying their achievements on our social media, we know many of our patients have expressed their interest and support. Thank you to all of you for your comments and likes, it gives the girls a huge boost.

Please do keep a regular eye on my blog section on our website, but for now have a fantastic October!



Please may we introduce you to our newest member of the Treetops family... Dr Vicki Barccha!

We are delighted that Dr Barchha will be joining us in October. Vicki studied dentistry at Birmingham University and graduated in 2001. Vicki is committed to the highest quality care and has a calm, reassuring manner which puts her patients at ease from the outset. She brings with her over 20 years of experience in dentistry. Dr Barchha has asked us to share a few words to introduce herself!

Hi everyone! My name is Dr Vicki Barchha, I am a local girl from Newport, qualified from Birmingham University in 2001 and have loved working in the area for over 20 years. I have a wealth of experience in all areas of dentistry but most importantly I love connecting with my patients. I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with dental aid missions in Honduras (don’t get me started on the cockroaches!). I also enjoy a good camping holiday with my two young boys and my dog Bella. My passions are diving, cooking, motorbike riding and horse riding amongst others. Mostly my passion is getting to know and chat with my patients and oh yes some dentistry too! I started my Treetops journey on Friday 6th October and I am genuinely so excited to meet you all!

Dr Vicki Barchha

We are sure you will all join us in welcoming Vicki to the team, we are so excited!


Denplan really is the most cost-effective way of being a Private Treetops Patient.

September`s 2023'Denplan Awards Winner' saved a huge £1551.24 being a new Denplan member!

What would you spend your savings on?

The most regular question we are asked is, 'I have been a patient of Treetops for years, am I still allowed to join?'

The answer is YES!

Offering patients the options of budgeting for their dental care has allowed us to support our patients to keep their dental health a priority during 2023 and we will continue to do this.

We therefore invite all of our patients who are not on one of our dental plans the opportunity to join. Our private fees increased on January 1st 2023 and this has highlighted even more, the savings you can make by being a member of Treetops Denplan.

If you would like more information or to simply register, please call our friendly reception team.


Smile like you just had your braces removed. The title of this article is something that I tend to say as a joke when I am taking end of treatment photographs after taking patients braces off. The fact is that l, and every dentist I know, love smiles and most of us love to smile back! You may think your smile has to accompany a great set of teeth, it does not. So, how about a statement that might confuse some... 'A smile has nothing to do with teeth'. It is a facial expression, you can do it even if you don't have teeth. It is true that having a lovely set of nashers makes your smile look better, but your teeth should never, ever stop you smiling.

The facts are, if you smile you will always look better, aesthetically it makes you look more attractive, confident and more approachable. A smile helps you stay positive, it even has great health benefits because a smile can relieve stress and it puts you in a good mood, it may also lower your blood pressure and boost your immune system, making you live longer. There is nothing like the feeling of being greeted by a beaming smile, it says that the person is happy to see me and in turn my smile tells the other person I am happy to see them.

Why is smiling so important to dentistry? The fact is that a lot of people are self conscious about their teeth and are reluctant to show it when they smile. The work we do here at Treetops helps give them that confidence to change that. I provide Orthodontics and Invisalign (a clear aligner system) but we do all types of treatments to make the teeth look and feel better. We do fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, dentures, veneers, composite bonding to name but a few. We help to maintain the teeth with cleanings, fillings, endodontics, periodontics amongst other things.

We do all of this to help keep you smiling (I know I am using the word a lot!) so what is stopping you showing the best facial expression you have? How can we help make your teeth better to give you the confidence to smile? Or do we just need to keep greeting you with a big smile at your appointment? Let us know if you do want to discuss any concerns.

There is the saying ' Smile and the world smiles with you.' so let's make the world smile... how big a smile? ...Like you just had your braces removed of course!

Dr Vis Pather

Below is the Treetops Team and their families showing how smiling is done!


“Dentures are not just a replacement for missing teeth, they are a replacement for lost smiles.”

We have said it before and we will say it again, we are so blessed to have not only fantastic Clinicians here at Treetops but also a fantastic Dental Laboratory run by Steve our Lab Technician. As evidence of Treetops teamwork, here we see a patient of Dr Sindy Castro who presented with missing upper teeth. After some creative magic by Steve and some fantastic dental wizardry from Dr Castro and Nurse Katelen we have this wonderful result below. We hope you can agree the smile is contagious.

Well done Dr Castro and Nurse Katelen and well done Steve!

'Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly, ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.'

Here we have a minimally invasive treatment of building up a slightly misshapen tooth with composite bonding to make the appearance of the tooth more level with the adjacent teeth. This may seem minor however the end result to the patient was exactly what she was looking for and made such a difference to how our patient viewed her smile.

Well done Dr Castro and Nurse Katelen

`Once you go white, you'll always stay bright`

Boutique teeth whitening is 60 times stronger than non professional products. The high-strength formula is safe, easy to use and promises stunning results within two to three weeks.

We hope you agree the results below are fresh and natural.

Well done Dr Asad and Nurse Jodie for this spectacular result.

'Effort is like toothpaste; you can usually squeeze out just a little bit more'

Dr Asad and Nurse Jodie recently had the pleasure of transforming an old composite filling that over time had started to show signs of deterioration and had a slight `dimpled` affect. If you compare the 'before' photograph below, with the 'after ' photograph, you will see our patient`s tooth is shiny, smooth and completely natural looking again. Well done Dr Asad and Nurse Jodie

'You`ll never frown with a crown!'

Fantastic bridgework from Dr Bhamber and Nurses Mel and Jo.

To achieve this result Dr Bhamber and team have performed extractions, root canal treatments, gum contouring and finally crowns. Our patient was over the moon with the results and now has the smile he deserves because why not!

Well done Dr Bhamber and Team

'There is always a reason to smile'

Fine example of an amalgam to composite filling.

Thank you Dr Bhamber and Nurse Jo, this is a great result!


September at Treetops saw two birthdays with Hygienist Stacy and Practice Manager Louise, we have it on good authority that they have both had fantastic birthdays and were very spoilt!

We also have four Treetops Anniversaries from completely opposite ends of the spectrum, we are thrilled that Jo, Amelia and Nikki have been with us now for a year, thank you all you are amazing and a real joy to work beside and Laboratory Technician Steve has been a Treetops team member now for 38 years! We are not quite sure what we did to deserve having Steve with us for so long and contrary to his picture he does actually like us! Thank you Steve for your dedication and humour, you really do brighten up our days.

We have had some lovely celebrations this month with the Team birthdays and anniversaries, but that wasnt all! We also had our Team Quiz in aid of Jeans for Genes and Team lunch for Macmillan cancer support. Our aim is always to either raise much needed funding to local charities or to simply raise awareness and to show our support. As you can see from the photographs below both afternoons were a huge success!

September was also Happy World Managers day! Thank you Louise for all of your support and your patience with our quirky ways, you`re the best!

And last but not least was a celebration with a twist!

Our lovely Hygienist Emma Hatcliffe celebrated the start of her Dental career on 2nd October...1987! Emma has been qualified in the dental world for a massive 36 years, what better way to celebrate than with a team pizza lunch.

Thank you Emma the pizzas were yummy and we hope that you agree with us that looking at her Youth Training Scheme photograph below that she hasn't aged a bit!.


Dear Treetops Patients

I must say Liz and I have loved bringing these articles together and we sincerely hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as we have!

Thank you as always for your support and loyalty and we all wish you a wonderful October.

Kind regards



Well done Sammy!

Thank you to all of our online reviewers, we all get a real sense of pride receiving reviews so please keep them coming!

As always if you like our newsletters, please do not keep them a secret, feel free to share them far and wide.

Not forgetting if the Treetops Team and their Newsletters make you smile, we would love you to leave us a GOOGLE REVIEW, it really has never been easier... just hover your camera over our QR Code or visit our Website and click on Write a Review.

You could be our next Google review milestone winner of number 550 and receive a special Treetops gift!

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